Corporate guidelines

Code of Conduct | Basis-Declaration

The company BURGDORF GmbH & Co. KG, its subsidiary OSMIROL GmbH based in Stuttgart and the associated company NÜSSLE GmbH & Co. KG, based in Nagold, are specialized in the field of heat treatment with special emphasis on the development of high-quality process materials for steel hardening. 

As an internationally active company group, we are facing the challenges of global competition in an increasingly regulated environment. With these corporate guidelines of the bonGroup (BURGDORF - OSMIROL - NUSSLE) we form the basis for our entrepreneurial activities. They define our strengths and our self-image, offer orientation, are a yardstick for our cooperation and create the basis for successful and sustainable corporate development.

Mission and vision 

The performance of our company group is based on the pioneering spirit of Karl-Wilhelm Burgdorf and his development of the first high-performance quenching oils with controlled cooling behaviour. As well as the entrepreneurial commitment of his sons Eckhard H. Burgdorf and Hannes Burgdorf, who laid the foundation for the group's current positioning.
In this tradition, we continue to strive for long-term market leadership in our market segment in the third generation with our innovative, high-quality chemical process fluids and application consulting services, which we have continued to develop in-house.

Premium claim

Our aim is to always offer our customers the best possible solution in all areas - tailored, simple and sustainable. For our products we therefore only use raw materials of the highest quality and tight specifications. New market launches are only available after careful and thorough practical tests in cooperation with selected customers.

Our striving for maximum perfection, maximum customer satisfaction, healthy economic and financial solidity and high employee loyalty is based on our willingness to perform at all times and on assuming joint responsibility.

Integrity and trust

The self-perception of our company group is based on our integrity and our respect in dealing with our employees, business partners, customers and suppliers. We consistently take responsibility for our actions and for our results, take account of legal and applicable social regulations and the protection of people and the environment. 

It is our declared corporate objective to secure the trust of our business partners, customers, suppliers, shareholders as well as the authorities and the public by responsible and legal action of all employees. To this end, we commit ourselves to keeping our promises, communicating precisely, acknowledging and correcting errors. Seriousness and commitment determine our actions and form the basis for a trustful cooperation.

Legal obligation

We also undertake to comply with the relevant regulations of antitrust and competition law and refrain from any conduct that hinders or restricts free and fair competition. We do not tolerate contracts, agreements or arrangements with competitors for the purpose of setting prices or influencing the type and quantity of products to be supplied. We do not accept agreements or contracts that prevent or restrict free and fair competition contrary to applicable laws.

Innovation and enthusiasm 

Our innovative spirit and ability to innovate, but also our willingness to accompany technological and organisational changes at our customers through corresponding changes on our end, are the basis for the future and sustainable growth of our company group. Our goal is to become better in order to be good. To this end, we are involved in national and international expert committees and regularly take part in AWT expert committees, association conferences, industry-relevant trade fairs and events and seminars, initiate internal further training measures and support our employees in developing their strengths. We demand and promote every idea that can improve our work results.

We enjoy our diverse work as well as getting to know new processes, exploring potential and attracting people. Our passion is to do the best, to solve problems, to inspire customers, to be proud of our work and to have a high reputation.

Occupational safety and environmental protection

We pay attention to applicable legal standards for a safe and healthy working environment. We openly accept and commit ourselves to legal regulations and guidelines on occupational safety and environmental protection.   

We are also committed to sustainable environmental protection and are committed to conserving resources and avoiding or reducing negative impacts on the environment. Through the continuous advancement and new development of environmentally compatible products and production processes, we strive to make a sustainable contribution to protecting the environment.

Data privacy

We ensure that personal and business data is protected in compliance with applicable legal requirements (including DSGVO) and business secrets and is not passed on without authorisation. The handling of data is defined in our data protection concept and recorded in writing in the data protection manual. On this basis, we and our employees undertake to use the data provided to us only for a specific purpose and with our express consent and to treat business secrets confidentially.

Our social responsibility

As a medium-sized, family-run company group, we have been integrated into our society for decades. We are committed to social responsibility and are involved in a large number of social and humanitarian projects, particularly in the areas of education and sport. Our activities focus on supporting people in need as well as children and young people in our home region.