news from our company group

Remain up to date with the latest news from our company group and stay informed of current developments and events.

78. HärtereiKongress in Cologne from October 11 - 13, 2022

After a break of 2 years, this year's HärtereiKongress will return to Cologne as a presence trade fair from October 11 - 13, 2022. We are again represented with a booth with the bonGroup and look forward to your visit!

You will find us in hall 10.2 at booth C-040 / C-042.

Also we would like to welcome you again to the reception of the AWT and the ceremony of the Karl-Wilhelm-Burgdorf-Award on the evening of October 12 at 6 pm.



Christmas Greetings 2021

Another exceptionally challenging year comes to an end with great uncertainty. As in the previous year, hopes and worries alternated. More than ever, we are challenged to stand up for our social coexistence and solidarity. The economic and social turbulence has also accompanied us through 2021 and will probably remain with us well into the coming year 2022.

A year ago, we asked ourselves what the following weeks might hold for us in the new year 2021. Weeks have become months; a year and the uncertainty has remained.

Nevertheless, we are in good spirits and very confident that we can successfully master the challenges.

We wish you a merry and blessed Christmas and a new happy year 2022 - stay healthy!

Instead of presents and gifts we donate and support with € 7.500,- the Stuttgart Johannes Falk Haus (residential home and help center for young people in need) and with € 5.000,- the Youth Research Center in Nagold.

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Christmas donation 2020

In this exceptional year, instead of gifts, we are once again supporting two institutions in the Stuttgart and Nagold regions with a donation of €5,000 each.

The association "fürs Käpsele e.V.- Freunde helfen Kindern aus Stuttgart", which was founded in 2020, supports children from financially underprivileged families with the aim of giving them hope and the chance to be an equal part of our society.

For 9 years, the "Förderverein Stationäres Hospiz Region Nagold e.V." has made it its task to create a home for seriously ill people in their last phase of life, in which they can be cared for medically and pastorally according to their needs in a familiar environment.


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HärtereiKongress 2020 / Fair News

Due to the infectious disease COVID-19, the HärtereiKongress 2020 takes place from 21 to 22 October as an online event.

The series of lectures can be attended on both days as webinars. In parallel, a freely accessible virtual trade fair will be set up on the website We are represented on this trade fair platform and look forward to your contacting us via chat or video.

We are promoter and sponsor of the AWT and are pleased to be able to support our association in difficult times.

At the member's conference of the AWT on October 20, 2020, our managing partner Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Braun was appointed to the managing board of the AWT. This is a great honor and a huge leap of faith in challenging times.

Unfortunately, the Karl Wilhelm Burgdorf Prize will not be awarded in 2020, as the events accompanying the trade fair cannot take place in the usual form and we want to give the recipient of the prize the honor of receiving his prize at an official ceremony. The award ceremony will therefore be postponed until 2021.

Just in time for the HK 2020 we are pleased to supply the new heat treatment furnace at the IWT with our High-Performance Quenching Oil DURIXOL W72. 

We miss you personally! We would like to meet you virtually at our digital booth, via chat or video as you like.


Annual Christmas donation campaign 2019

We support the Stuttgart Child Protection Centre (KISZ) and the Child Protection Association in Nagold as part of the annual Christmas donation campaign.

The Child Protection Centre in Stuttgart is a counselling and crisis centre for children and young people affected by violence. The donation of 7.500,- € will be used for the design of a "Snoezelen room" in the new shelter in the therapy garden of the KISZ, which is also new. There the children and adolescents will find a place of retreat to relax and recover in addition to their therapeutic work.

At the Child Protection Association in Nagold, children and youths between the ages of 6 and 16 are looked after in socio-pedagogical day groups on behalf of the youth welfare office and their parents. The existing rooms in the Old Mill are being renovated as part of an enlargement. With our donation of 5.000,- € the rooms can be equipped with new furniture. In addition, we support the existing media pedagogical concept by purchasing digital equipment such as laptops and printers.


75. HärtereiKongress 2019 in Cologne, Germany

This year's 75th HärtereiKongress 2019 in Cologne fully met our expectations, but was also affected by current global economic and political uncertainties. A time in which it is all the more important to conduct an intensive and above all personal dialogue with our customers, partners and companies in the industry. Our stand presence at a new location was very well received by the visitors and demonstrated the continuing importance of the event for our company group.

We are very proud about this year's winner of the Karl-Wilhelm-Burgdorf-Prize, Dr.-Ing. Volker Heuer from ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH. His numerous publications and work on the subject of low-pressure carburizing technology and high-pressure gas quenching as well as the practical implementation within the framework of the development of corresponding modern plants make Dr. Heuer a worthy prize winner.


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The Karl Wilhelm Burgdorf Prize, named after our company founder and donated for the first time in 2007 by his successor Dipl.-Kfm. Hannes Burgdorf is awarded to AWT members who have put scientific discoveries into practice in an extraordinary way and who have given impulses to materials technology and heat treatment. The prize which has meanwhile been taken over by our company BURGDORF GmbH & Co. KG is endowed with 5,000 euros and is handed over by the chairman of the AWT at a ceremony during the HärtereiKongress in Cologne.

This year's award winner is Dr. Volker Heuer, ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH.

Overview of the previous award winners / Award certificate


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70 years BURGDORF

In March 70 years ago Karl-Wilhelm Burgdorf founded our company in the post-war period. The progress of the owner-managed medium-sized company is still based on the pioneering spirit of its founder. BURGDORF was carefully and purposefully developed into a specialist company for steel hardening and heat treatment technology of the highest quality. The underlying corporate philosophy, which we have also manifested in our corporate guidelines, but also our entire team, which lives and implements these guiding principles on a daily basis, are the guarantors of our success today. 

Successful certification of our company group according to ISO 14001:2015

Our companies BURGDORF, OSMIROL and NUSSLLE were successfully certified according to ISO 14001:2015. This certificate confirms to our companies that we deal intensively and effectively with the subject of the environment. We thus document that we are actively engaged in measures to conserve resources and avoid environmental pollution and are pursuing concrete goals in the process.


Christmas Donations 2018

This year, we will donate a total amount of Euro 13.800,- to social institutions in Stuttgart as the children´s hospital “Olgäle” and the “Youth Research Centre” in Nagold, caring about the needs an education of children and young people who need our help and support.


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